
Welcome to FigCuttings.com!  

FigCuttings.com is a fully licensed and USDA inspected nursery located in Pott County, Kansas.  This site was established with the following simple goals in mind:

1) to provide easy, affordable, year-round access to cuttings of many of the rarest and best-tasting fig varieties in the world;


2) to foster and spread the joy of figs!

Figs are a wonderful and rewarding addition to many yards, gardens, patios, sun rooms, and greenhouses, and since fig cuttings root so readily and grow so fast, you can quickly grow your own collection of rare and extremely tasty figs at home.

If you've never had a freshly picked dead-ripe fig, you're missing out!  It's shocking how good they actually are: they're juicy and bursting with flavors reminiscent of raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, grapes, peaches, melons, or dates, depending on the variety.  They taste almost nothing like Fig Newtons.

Contact Email -- figcuttings@gmail.com

Refund Policy -- The refund policy of figcuttings.com is and has always been to refund any outstanding order for any reason if requested.  The turnaround time is typically 24 hours.