Monday, July 18, 2016

$7 Fig Trees Propagation Project - Update

The $7 fig trees that were due to begin shipping on July 1st are growing well, but are a bit behind schedule. They appear to be about 6-8 weeks away from being ready, so shipping should begin around the end of August. We apologize very much for this delay, and will ship your trees as soon as possible.

Our $7 fig tree propagation project has been very popular with our fellow collectors, and we have been working hard to rapidly scale up our fig operation to meet this large challenge. There have been some growing pains along the way, but overall our expansion is going well, and soon we should be able to handle much higher sales volumes without delays.

We sincerely appreciate the patient support that so many of you have given us, and we look forward to returning the favor by supplying you with affordable access to the world's best gourmet fig varieties for many years to come :)

P.S. -- We've been posting updates in a thread at the figs4fun forum, and it's kind of fun to scroll through the pictures to see the growth of the trees over time.  Here's a link to page 4 of that thread, which is when the pics begin: