Orders are flying out the door right now (and have been for quite a while).
I've been working all hours of the day and night trying to ship them out as fast as possible. It's a slow process to email back and forth with customers to work out the details of their order, then find all the trees, carefully pack each one with extra potting mix and wrap with tape, then tape the trees in place, then tape up the box and label it. There's also the time to make a postal run into town at the end of every day. But great progress is being made, and it won't be much longer before all of the orders are shipped and I'm completely caught up. (Woo-hoo!)
To help in the sprint to the finish line, I've hired someone to just focus on packaging orders. I've been getting a lot of rave reviews and very nice compliments from customers about my packaging, so I trained her to do it the same way. She picked it up fast and was doing it better than me by the end of the first day! I'm hoping that with her help I can be completely caught up on shipping out all overdue orders by the end of this month.
If you have submitted your updated info as requested in the update a couple of posts down, and have not yet received your order or a response, fear not! You will be taken care of very soon.