If you'd like to submit a pre-order at this time, you may do so. You won't be charged yet, but you can get in line now. There's already a big stack of pre-orders from other folks getting in line, which means it might be mid-October before I'll get to your order, so please be patient. I'll email you and give you a chance to edit your order before I send the invoice for you to pay.
Pruning Schedule
I usually don't start pruning until a threat of frost enters the 10-day forecast. That usually puts the start of pruning around October 1st. This year it has remained hot and wet, and the weather forecast shows the lows still being above 50F ten days from now. Here's a link to the forecast for my area, so you can follow along if you like:
Overdue Tree Orders & Refunds
The vast majority of the overdue tree orders and refunds have already been taken care of. The rest of the refunds should go out in October. Of the remaining overdue tree orders, most are from western US states that have quarantines in place requiring bare-root shipping.
However, I am happy to report that I am now licensed to ship to all states without having to bare-root the trees! That means that I'll be able to ship baby trees to folks in western states in the same manner I ship them to everyone else with great results: undisturbed, safely rooted in their rooting cups with their potting mix. The downside is that I can only ship newly rooted trees that are started over each winter, and I can only ship them up until June 1st. That means I'm not allowed to ship any of my currently existing trees to western states without bare-rooting them. But it also means that I'll be able to ship beautiful freshly rooted trees to folks in western states every year in the late winter and early spring.
Bare-rooting trees takes a tremendous amount of time, and I won't have any time for doing that this fall, so customers from western states who are waiting on overdue tree orders should plan on receiving their orders during the shipping window just described above. I sincerely apologize for your long wait, and will include lots of free extras (of your choice) to make up for the long delay in completing your orders.